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HVO Fuel Transition

Many large-scale consumers of RED diesel are already improving their Carbon footprints by switching to alternative fuels, and most engine manufacturers have now confirmed EN15940 compatibility utilising a synthetic biodiesel called HVO.

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)

HVO fuel is a form of renewable diesel that has been produced from renewable and sustainably sourced vegetable fats and oils.

Hydrotreating vegetable oils is a modern way to produce high-quality diesel fuels from completely renewable materials which can be regrown when stock is needed. The crops that are used to produce HVO fuel minimise damage to the environment, the natural ecosystem, and the drive for global deforestation.

HVO fuel offers the best overall coverage between environmental, operational and performance parameters.

Why switch to HVO?

‘Green diesels’ create fewer emissions than regular fuel. Experts calculate that a 1,000 litres of HVO releases 195kg of C02, compared to 3600kg for the same amount of regular diesel.

In addition to lower emissions and particulates, HVO offers further advantages over RED diesel:

Fuel Transition Service

Through our extensive Generator and Fuels Support Network, AVK can offer the most comprehensive HVO Transition service across the UK and Europe – from initial site audits to Fuel Transition and Commissioning.

We have been working diligently to develop a complete end-to-end service to support all of our clients make the switch to renewable fuel supplies. Whichever solution is best for your business, AVK’s Fuel Transition Service can help you make the switch by helping you with:

AVK partner with Shell TapUp

AVK have teamed up with Shell TapUp to up to offer a generator fuelling service to our clients across the UK.

As the world transitions to responsible and sustainable development, large-scale fuel users are looking for immediate ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Together with AVK, Shell TapUp can deliver bulk fuel on site or fill generators with HVO, GTL or Diesel. With HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), businesses can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants by up to 80-90%. HVO fuel is suitable for existing diesel generators and vehicles with little or no modification needed to the engines.

With ready availability, competitive prices, and high-quality fuels, our partnership with Shell TapUp allows AVK to better support our clients’ shift to renewable fuels. 

Contact AVK today for more information  or email your local Shell TapUp team at to learn more.

Contact us today for more information about our HVO fuel transition service


Read more about the Switch to renewables and how AVK can help


Learn about HVO fuel


Read more about AVK and Shell TapUp

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