Cooling System Upgrades
Cooling System Upgrades
Allow your generator system to operate in today’s higher temperatures
When many of the buildings in our major cities were built, the maximum design temperature for generator cooling systems was 25°C. In many recent years we have seen ambient record highs of 38°C and above.
In these high temperatures, systems with a lower design temperature cannot run at high-loads, and the risk of the generators system shutting down due to overtemperature is very real.
AVK can upgrade the cooling system of your existing generator installation by fitting larger radiators, increasing the aero fan capability or by designing and installing complete new cooling systems.
We can design, install and maintain:
- Radiator replacements due to failure / leaks
- Radiator upgrades to improve thermal performance
- Design and installation of complete new cooling packages
- Mechanical and electrical design
- Heat exchanger systems
- Full Turnkey package solutions
Radiator Performance
Heat exchanger retrofit
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