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UPS Systems

UPS Systems

Highly efficient, technologically advanced UPS Systems for mission critical systems and facilities.

AVK UPS Systems provide the best power protection during shorter periods of mains power failure, becoming a critical bridge between your main power source and backup generator system.

Where a standby generator will take over and protect the load for longer durations of time, a UPS system acts as the first line of defence against loss of power; able to react instantly to power disturbances and outages and bridging the critical ‘power gap’ before the Generator system comes online.

AVK UPS systems are designed to provide years of low-maintenance protection, keeping your power supply constant – whether it’s running critical processes or safeguarding servers, our UPS range combines the latest in technology and efficiency, resulting in the lowest operating costs in the industry.

We can also offer a comprehensive UPS condition survey that assesses the age, reliability, parts obsolescence, and efficiency of your UPS system. This produces a life cycle report that highlights potential future expenditure along with replacement costs for both OPEX and CAPEX budgets.

Click here for further details. 


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