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Special Projects

Control Upgrades

For mission-critical systems and facilities where 100% power is vital for 100% of the time, backup generator power system reliability is essential to continuous power delivery during times of mains power failure or outages. The most common failure with standby generators is the control system.

AVK can help you to maintain ultimate control of your power protection.

Most generators amass very few running hours during their lifespan, and with regular maintenance, the engine and main AC alternator can be reliable and supportable for well over twenty years. But, as the control systems that operate your generators age, they can fail and become unsupportable as advances in technology move on. Control Upgrades allow your existing standby power system to take full advantage of the technological advances in generator controls without replacing the gensets themselves, offering a cost-effective method of upgrading your critical power systems.

DRUPS Conversions

Gain a new standby generator system but retain the majority of your DRUPS infrastructure

Diesel (or Dynamic) Rotary Uninterruptible Power Supply devices were conceived to combine the benefits of a static UPS with a diesel generator.

A DRUPS system can operate in a smaller footprint, and without the need for constant air-conditioning associated with a static UPS.

The disadvantages seen by clients are more frequent and more expensive maintenance regime, and with certain manufacturers reliability issues.

Often a building’s use will change, or the client will alter the infrastructure extensively so that the load supported by a DRUPS can handle a break in supply in event of an outage – such instances include the splitting of IT and mechanical loads. In instances such as this, clients are now considering converting DRUPS machines into generators. 

The benefits of converting rather than replacing are environmental, financial, expediency and reduction of disruption.

The fact that the majority of the DRUPS componentry remains on site means less scrapping of equipment, and less manufacturing of new, replacement equipment.

Financially, the most expensive component of a generator set is the engine. Retaining the engine offers a considerable saving compared to buying new, complete generators.

On the assumption that a sound plant replacement strategy exists, there are also considerable savings to be made from not requiring crane lifts and specialist plant-moving contractors.

A new 11kV alternator will typically be available in 12-16 weeks (less for LV), whereas a new 11kV generating set is typically 22-26 weeks. Much of the enabling works can be completed during the alternator build time, meaning a conversion can be completed well within the typical build period of a new genset.

We can design, install and maintain:

Cooling System Upgrades

Allow your generator system to operate in today’s higher temperatures

When many of the buildings in our major cities were built, the maximum design temperature for generator cooling systems was 25°C. In many recent years we have seen ambient record highs of 38°C and above.

In these high temperatures, systems with a lower design temperature cannot run at high-loads, and the risk of the generators system shutting down due to overtemperature is very real.

AVK can upgrade the cooling system of your existing generator installation by fitting larger radiators, increasing the aero fan capability or by designing and installing complete new cooling systems. 

We can design, install and maintain:

Engine Overhaul / Rebuilds

Planned overhauls to maintain the health of your generator set engine, or reactive remedial work to repair damage

A standby generator engine rarely amasses the hours-run to qualify for the engine manufacturers overhaul schedule. However, even though the engine isn’t running it is being constantly circulated by heated coolant via the engine heaters. Depending on the engine type, this can lead to perished seals and O-rings in the cooling circuits which dictate planned maintenance or overhauls are carried out to maintain engine health.

Being a Rolls Royce / MTU partner we can fully support your MTU engine, but we also have experience and knowledge with all the major engine manufacturers used in the UK power generation market.

Deepsea ATS and bus-tie control panel for Critical Healthcare application


Converting 6 x 11kV DRUPS machines into standby generators at a high-profile London data centre

Engine overhaul for large London Commercial and Enterprise property

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